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Song lyrics | Fall For You lyrics
Heyy there....
Stop for a moment and calm your thoughts...Let go of your anxieties and look around you...what do you see?You see a world filled with beauty...You see a life filled with possibilities...You see dreams being born,being nurtured and being fulfilled...Yes,there are challenges...Yes,there is sorrow...Yes,there is violence and hatred...But,more than these...there is LOVE,there is GOODNESS and there is JOY...The future is uncertain.And that means there's no limit as to how beautiful and joyful you can make it...Yet what you have right now.And right now is completely as it should be,it is your time to live...Thing of what a precious thing your life is and how truly blessed you are to be experiencing it,right now...And right now,any anxiety you may have about the future is only an illusion...Let it go...Let it fade away as the beauty and perfection of right now wash over you...The best thing you can do for the future is to live with everything you have in the present....Love you my dear...i'll always be here,right here next to you..if you needed my help or guidance...as long as my heart still beats,and i'm capable of moving every single parts of my body.....i'll try to help you with all my might....whenever you need me...can't sleep well tonight...harap2 yana cepat pulih ok...you're a tough girl my dear...be and stay strong as always ok...if there's anything you need,you can call me i'll try to help you get it ok...don't move too much and if can..it'll be better if you stay at home...but i know..that's really not gonna happen.(hehehehe)In that condition...don't be far away from home ok...stay around your area...sorry takde pape nak kasi yana on the 26/04/07 if only we're attached...dah 1yr kita yana..hehe ape nak buat..tuhan dah menentukan terpaksalah telan jua...sikit hari pasal tersalah date tu,sorry ehh yana..excited sangat...oklar,i think i'm taking a nap now..got work tomorrow...take care yana...remember my words...i know you can't but try,be happy okay...just give me a call if you need me...ingat msg budget2.....oklar,go now...baiee......
Friday, April 27, 2007

yeah,here i am again...sorry didn't update this few days...kinda lazy arrh hehe...hrm,bored at home now...going out later at 3pm...hrm..wanna go get some burgers...hehehe at bedok...da lama tak makan burger..kempunan pulak...and to aida i'f u're reading...wanna wish u a HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! sorrie..got nothing to give u as presents aida....juz afford to give u a wish..hope u're okie aitez....semoga tuhan panjangkan umur kau yerr....erm..okie...i think i have to go now...nanti lambat pulak...take care everyone...baiieee....

to the someone...
i'm sorry..about today...
i'm so..so...sorry about today...
i know u're mad at me...but pls,pls,pls......
please forgive me.......
Saturday, April 21, 2007

heyya...hrm...to zsa and adi..thanks for the msg yesterday...i didn't know u all treated me so well...hehe thanks dude n sis...got work today...YES!!!! at last i 'm going back to work today...hahaha boring sey duduk rumah...nak pergi pasar malam kat bedok tu...nak makan BURGER RAMLY...hehe temankan ehh yana...hehehe kita kan sekarang putera..haha awak jadi bodyguard kita..hehehe personal bodyguard...kerje secara ikhlas..takde gaji...hur2..btw...hrm,dah lama tak dengar cerita orang2 kat luar tu...senyap ajer...APA KHABAR SEMUA???harap2 sihat wal'afiat yer...hehe and yana...take care of yourself okie...i dunno what's happening rite now..but i'll try to calm down myself ok dun worry dear...huk..huk..huk..my buku reader digest tu..dah tkder sey...for april nye..but takpe ade dua buku this month dapat hehe bole baca yang lagi satu...baiklar sampai disini sajalah...tangan saya dapat menari-nari dangdut di atas keyboard ni...kawan2 semua sampaikan salam saya pada yang tersayang yer...bye....
Friday, April 13, 2007

Haiz...been bored this few days...don't know why...hrm,still feeling down abit...i'm trying to cure myself...from this sickness i have...can't take it anymore...so sick...sakit kepala......haiz..what's going on with all the people out there...crazy,mad,selfish or pretending innocent...gosh..what a life..with no one around...pathetic isn't it...what to do...no one cares..no one cares about me..my feelings..my loneliness...hrm..but aniwae its okie..i'm fine,its a part of life...i need to go through...well,as for now...i'm okay,doing well..masih sihat wal'afiat...ijust now i went to downtown east..tot wanna fetch her..she at her friends chalet...the rain was heavy today..i mean just now...so i had to run from the bus stop all the way to downtown...i waited for her at downtown east resort..but haha wrong place she's not there she's at aloha resort.. so from there no choice i had to walk through the heavy downpour..and ohh..i'm all soak aarrggghhh...shit...hehehe then when i reached there..i walked around finding the unit of their chalet..on the way walking..i received this call from someone..saying she's not going out coz she's sleeping hrm..okie..so i tried calling her,after a few times she called me back...hehe den bebual nye bebual at last tak kesampaian...hehe then i went back to the main road walking through that heavy downpour again...kekeke basah kuyup aku..nari dah lama tak main hujan lah katakan...then i took a cab straight home...sampai rumah mandi..then here i am in front of this comp again..haha kesian dia.kalau bole dia berkata..agaknye dia kata"ehk aku penat tau dari semalam aku belum dapat tido hehehe kau tak penat ke didi"hehe den i will answer "arrgghh..diam kau..."haha so here i am again..waiting for someone still waiting....hope she'll be back soon...yeah..take care everyone aitez..gotta go..bubbyezz....
Thursday, April 12, 2007

heyy peeps!!!so bored at home...got nothing to do....can't sleep yet...my eye's still fresh now...coz i'm waiting for someone to be home...hrm..what took her so long???ermm...did she enjoy herself there??she neva seems like msging me...i think she did enjoy herself there...hehehe still waiting for her to reach home...lambatnyer...dah nak pukul 2 pagi...belum balik2 lagi...hope u'll be home soon dear...okie2 gotta go just bought that reader digest for this month APRIL!!! hehe okay chowz dulu pegi baca buku...bbuubbyyeezzz.....and ggooddd nnniitteezzz...

life..life...LIFE...haiz...life has been boring this past weeks...so boring...lambat pulak surat NS sampai...haiz...cepat lah datang lebih rela aku duduk dalam sana..dari kat luar ni...keje pun tak seberapa...teruk jugak IKEA ni....kasi keje macam gini..schedule macam apa...1 week 3 hari keje..kau..pathetic sey...mcdonald pun at least hari2 dapat keje...pikir aku pergi holiday per 4 hari off...duduk rumah macam budak gila..keluar jadi macam anak hantu..baguslar tu...bila nak bertemu kekasih lama ehk...nari dia takde..pergi chalet..haiz..boringnye aku.ingat nak fetch her from work...then..she's going for chalet..hrm.maybe next time..hehehe semalam pegi apa tu..sheesha ke,cishar ke,cigar or cigarette..arrgghh wateva lar...okay lar not bad..have fun with friends..tapi not so happening,coz not full attendance lar yesterday..but overall...wonderful lar.haha ingat nak ajak yana pegi tgk movie cerita The Reaping nari...hrm..tak kesampaian keke..and so,as for me,life still goes on like normal..maybe not going so smoothly..but still i tried forcing myself to go through this smoothly...i feel so broken up...and i give up...i just wanna tell you so you know..haiz...as days past...here i go,scream my lungs out and try to get to you...you are my only one...i let go,
there's just no one who gets me like you do..you are my only,my only one.......

i've decided to be happy,no matter how harsh the world is...
and i'm gonna stay optimistic,coz there's no use getting upset..
it won't get me nowhere...i've lost everything...i've lost all hopes...
i've lost those promises...and finally i've lost you...i'm just a failure
and right now...every second,minute,hours,days and weeks of my life...
i'm still here..right here....hating every single piece of my life now which i have left....

P.S:do you dream of me at night?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Haiz..it's been lonely nowadays..without you..i just can't make it...oh dear...i really miz ur touch,ur kiz,ur hands,ur hugs,ur care towards me..and also the arguments we had back then...it's gone just like that...so easily...why...i can't bearly take it...yes u did see me laughing happily most of the time...but no..it was all fake...i was deeply hurt inside...i was thinking about you all the time...hoping..waiting for the day when u will say i miss u so much...i wanna be with u again...and be like our old days...happily,smiling through my tears of joyness..happiness...i dunnoe what else to say...but,i just love you so much dear...u're everything to me...i wanted u back so badly...but i noe u won't come back...haiz...what can i do...hrm..takpela it's late now..need to rest nitez..bubbye
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

sweet christina...sweet raihana....but wateva it is,life stil goes on as in even though its hard and sad for me but still i have to go...u forced me to...its okay..u're still the sweet raihana i knew...but abit changes have occur recently....juz hope that you'll never do this again...i've been missing you since that day...and honestly i've been jealous to see you and syah..the way u say that u're just friends....i've given you enough freedom...thats all i can do for you...but you still don't think about how hurt i am...giving you that opportunity to have freedom back then...yes i admit...i always put that smile on my face...even though how painful it is to be hurt...i was taught by my mum...and i can see that u're happy..very happy...but all the pain is inside me...the words u use to call me..bodoh..selenge...dats why i still kept quiet never do anything even though sumone's hurting me or insulting me...coz i was taught to be like that....i always listen to you...maybe not all the time..but most of the time i did listen to you....whenever u're angry..i'll be quiet...never say a word...coz i'm scared of you...i just dunnoe how did u change ur feelings so fast...look up ahead..see who's there??whose been out there waiting for you all the time...maybe i was wrong not all the time but most of the time...u always say...i want someone like this...i want u to become like this...i tried my very best to make u happy...to make u feel better....i dun mind u lying to me about anything...coz i noe u well...u can't lie to me...but maybe some things u can get away with...but even though when u lied...did i scolded you...i just remind you next time dun lie okay..just tell me the truth...than after a few mins we're smiling to each other again..i miss ur innocent eyes yana...i'm saying facts yana...for all those out dere...who always say "buat aper nak dgr kata org ke aper...orang ade tolong bile susah..."ok fine!!!sekarang aku susah aku sedih siapa yang ada...siapa yang tolong aku???jawablar korang semua just tag kat blog aku..siapa yang tolong aku sekarang...harapan aku cuma bergantung pada tuhan saja...solat hari2 berdoa minta pertolongan dari dia...tu saja yang aku mampu lakukan....susah betul hidup begini....tanpa dia...tanpa kawan...haiz...kurniakan lah doaku ya allah...tolong lah aku...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Haiz,its hard to be alone..my life now so pathetic...have been thinking about her everyday single day...tuhan..kenapa belum kau kabulkan doa ku lagi...aku bingung..day after day..i kept thinking what is wrong..and what have i done wrong..but why coudn't i still find the answer...it's like she's torturing me so badly...mengapa sayang...beginikah akhirnya...there's nothing i can do now...it's too late..i've tried my very best to change you...thats all i can do for you...but if u're still happy out there.what can i do...it's hard for me rite now..this few days...i juz can't make it...haiz..i juz hope u wud understand...hope that u wud noe me better...everyday u see or hear me cry...pls...tuhanku...kembalikan dia ke pangkal jlnnye ya allah...tolonga aku...haiz..aku rind dia..aku rindu kasih sayang yang dia telah berikan padaku ya allah..tolonglah aku...kembalikan dia padaku...haiz..bored at home...going off to work soon...will update again byes..
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tonight,i'm writing this post for someone whom i've loved all this months..but to bad she's gone now...Dear,it was great to have letting me watch a movie with you yesterday..even though it doesn't go smoothly...yana..when i looked into ur eyes just yesterday...the time pat staircase ur block when u say nicely go home ok takmu nangis...u're just soo sweet dear...i understand those words u say"i dun love you anymore"i can see that u really don't...i just dunno what change you but its not ur fault..i tried all my best,my very best...to take good care of you..but it still won't work...i'm sorry dear...like i said i'm just a failure...how can u forget how hard i tried to be with you...how hard i tried to go through those troubles i'm facing one after another...and in the end u left me out here alone...hehe dun worry...i dunnoe whether u will come back to me...for sure,hope u will la...but maybe i already noe the answer..u won't....so thats why i'm here tonight writing these...to say a final goodbye to the relationship we've built togede back then....its gone..so easily...like its so cheap...now,u're happy with someone else...ohh syah..u're so lucky to have met her...u'll feel the happiness and sweetness that u've never had the taste of it before...haiz..i luv u so much yana...i'll always pray for your happiness...just hope one day u will think back time on how heartbreaking and painful it is to leave someone innocent....with an unexplained answer....and for you sheikh just dun bother my life juz take care of yourself and dun ever leave a fucking msg on my tagboard...

p.s:for those guys out there...pls.pls...PLSSS,stop falling in lurve or rushing into falling in lurve with someone..even knowing that the're really in lurve with someone....thanks...

Setelah sekian lama ku bersabar terhadap dirimu...inikah balasanmu terhadap ku....kaulah insan yang mempunyai segalanya bagi aku..tapi apakan daya kau lebih gembira menyintai orang lain dari aku...haiz...rasa kecewa ade..rasa sedih ade..rasa gembira pun ade...yelar..mungkin dgn cara ini dia akan dapat hidup bergembira...aku dilontar ke tepi begitu sahaja....apalah nasib ini...tak tahu apa lagi nak dikata...aku rasa amat sepi kebelakangan ni...aku berubah sangat...daripada bising menjadi bisu...setiap kali aku melihat dia..aku mencari tempat untuk menitiskan airmata ini....sampai bila kau ingin terus begini...membiarkan aku kesepian...tanpa arah tujuan...off day duduk rumah...keluar rumah pun setakat nak pergi kerje....dimana kau berada?haiz...tak tahu apa lagi nak ku katakan...kembalilah padaku sayang...hidup seperti dahulu....
Monday, April 02, 2007

Life sucks rite now...feeling down...empty,lonely sometimes happy..but dunno whats the reason....just felling soo lonely...and really down...recently,have been quiet for some time..still finding my mistakes...but why...why can't i find it??how did she change her mind so quickly...what is the real reason behind this breakup thingy...is true that u really wanna find more friends...or u've fallen deep into someone...why do u do that...knowing that i'm loving u soo much dear...and this past days...u've not been missing me at all??who have u been thinking of?u wanna end our relationship just like that...u've hurt me so much..and i've been tolerating all that...den suddenly u threw me away..and here i am...now..walking on a narrow road withunknown people..strangers...u noe i dun have much friends...but u have...in ur words their friends to u..but in theirs,u're their admirer..just waiting for u to accept them..dun u noe how delightful they are knowing that we broke up??why out of a sudden..all of them sms u calling u for out daily...why does all this comes out so sudden....why dear..why did u do this?why did u end all this...i've been saving up money for us...and also for u when i'm going to NS later on...but now u're gone...am i too nice for you??thats what people have been saying...i dun scold u coz u told me not to,i dun contact females coz u'll be angry if i do...i keep up on my behaviour coz u'll be upset if i don't,i've been listening to you coz thats what u want me to do and lastly,i've been loving you..coz this is what i've been sincere for to be with you....but,look..what happens when i became the source of a pain...u just hurt me alot but..now i'm forgiving you dear...i'll always pray for you...hope u get to the right path...gd nite...
Sunday, April 01, 2007