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Song lyrics | Fall For You lyrics
tiring day
Here i am again,just got home.Went out with baby today..the same everyday routine,go get a pack of ciggies and then our lepak-ing sessions anywhere nearest stop-by coffee shop...and have our meals together...after which we went to hougang park enjoying the cold wind and have our routine chit chats....then we went straight home...those ppl out there  who has my facebook added to urs as friends...PLS,Pls,,pls...do peep at my facebook for the very last time alright....coz i'm gonna delete my acct soon...then u can just refer to me here alright...moving on to blogger now just blogger alright...any notifications just leave it on my tagboard okay...dats it for now...we'll update again..........nights......zzzzzzzz.....
Thursday, January 14, 2010

weeks past
Weeks past,i've not been updating much...so sorry guys,been busy with life...anyway this past weeks has been a great good and bad times for me...As for my relationship,it's just normal you know having ups and downs soo have to be understanding abit...but still me and her is having a great quality time together in fact we're doing good...always side by side and never apart,only the part when night falls and we have to separate to our own respective homes then we have to be apart lah..haha and also not missing the part where me,baby and her gffs had our discreet nights out at st james last wednesday...although RnB enclosure is not a place for me,but yeah i'm trying to get influence with the beat and tracks now haha...but i really did enjoy the night with the girls and beloved baby...soo when's our next discreet meetups again people???i heard zouk's gonna be next,can't wait..haha it's late already,going to bed now...nytez till then will update again....

P.S:sorry peeps!got no pics at the moment,will upload soon alright...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a fresh start...
Hey there everyone...It's been awhile since i last updated my blog...Life's full of ups and downs...but still i'm doing great...trying to keep it up...well,after the months of suffering of my past lost...finally i've found someone to settle down with..soo,currently i'm attached to Siti Nur Alysha Zara...u people should meet her one day alright...soo right now most of the time i'll be spending my days alysha...and yar,after all the months past of searching...i finally got a job at Marche vivocity...alhamdullilah,syukurlah kepada tuhan...soo can't wait to start my new job now haha...anyway,this few days been going through alot of quarelling,misunderstanding and sorts of stuff with my beloved alysha...i dunnow whether it's pur bad periodor what i'm not sure abt it...but dun worry baby...i promise,i'm gonna make our relationship work and will not let you down at all...i love you so much baby...guess,till here for now alright will update again next time okay...baby i'm sorry hope u'll forgive me...
Friday, December 11, 2009

Great Weekend
Been so tiring this few days...Had a long and great weekend,from friday to tuesday i'm out of camp..so great..and yeah,yesterday when out to meet someone hehe...a very cute and adorable someone..was suppose to meet her at jurong east library but i went to the wrong place which is the jurong west library haha...didn't remember that jurong west has a library too...so went back to jurong east and meet her...coz that i'm late,so i have to treat her for dinner haha..we have our dinner at KFC...after that,we went to IMM sit at the garden plaza at the top of IMM...chit chat there till the rain starts falling that's when we decide to go home...sent her to jurong east interchange soon after she board her bus...then i went straight home taking the mrt...so that's my story haha...she really made my day yesterday..and i really owe her one...hope to go out with her again soon..haha so that's all for today we'll update again soon...and yar there's a slight problem with my usb port so can't bring up any pics...so sorry peeps!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's been a long time since i last updated my blog.sorry,my comp was down at that period of time that's the reason why i'm in silence for quite some time...now that i'm back again,as per normal leading my daily life focusing on trainings ahead.As for myself,i'm always fine right here in the grace of god...well,got nothing much to say today...but not forgetting i wanna wish every each and single citizens of singapore a Happy National Day...may peace be with us and our country always...
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Heyy there....
Stop for a moment and calm your thoughts...Let go of your anxieties and look around you...what do you see?You see a world filled with beauty...You see a life filled with possibilities...You see dreams being born,being nurtured and being fulfilled...Yes,there are challenges...Yes,there is sorrow...Yes,there is violence and hatred...But,more than these...there is LOVE,there is GOODNESS and there is JOY...The future is uncertain.And that means there's no limit as to how beautiful and joyful you can make it...Yet what you have right now.And right now is completely as it should be,it is your time to live...Thing of what a precious thing your life is and how truly blessed you are to be experiencing it,right now...And right now,any anxiety you may have about the future is only an illusion...Let it go...Let it fade away as the beauty and perfection of right now wash over you...The best thing you can do for the future is to live with everything you have in the present....Love you my dear...i'll always be here,right here next to you..if you needed my help or guidance...as long as my heart still beats,and i'm capable of moving every single parts of my body.....i'll try to help you with all my might....whenever you need me...can't sleep well tonight...harap2 yana cepat pulih ok...you're a tough girl my dear...be and stay strong as always ok...if there's anything you need,you can call me i'll try to help you get it ok...don't move too much and if can..it'll be better if you stay at home...but i know..that's really not gonna happen.(hehehehe)In that condition...don't be far away from home ok...stay around your area...sorry takde pape nak kasi yana on the 26/04/07 if only we're attached...dah 1yr kita yana..hehe ape nak buat..tuhan dah menentukan terpaksalah telan jua...sikit hari pasal tersalah date tu,sorry ehh yana..excited sangat...oklar,i think i'm taking a nap now..got work tomorrow...take care yana...remember my words...i know you can't but try,be happy okay...just give me a call if you need me...ingat msg budget2.....oklar,go now...baiee......
Friday, April 27, 2007

yeah,here i am again...sorry didn't update this few days...kinda lazy arrh hehe...hrm,bored at home now...going out later at 3pm...hrm..wanna go get some burgers...hehehe at bedok...da lama tak makan burger..kempunan pulak...and to aida i'f u're reading...wanna wish u a HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! sorrie..got nothing to give u as presents aida....juz afford to give u a wish..hope u're okie aitez....semoga tuhan panjangkan umur kau yerr....erm..okie...i think i have to go now...nanti lambat pulak...take care everyone...baiieee....

to the someone...
i'm sorry..about today...
i'm so..so...sorry about today...
i know u're mad at me...but pls,pls,pls......
please forgive me.......
Saturday, April 21, 2007